Ive never really questioned what lies unearthed in peoples handbags... its like that male 'golden rule' - never enter a womans handbag unless told to.. (Hah my Dad dreaded the day i suggested my pocket money increased and i could enter the womans society of handbag glory... )...
For me handbags dont really get emptied. 20p for the bus - its in there - eyeliner, oh yeah its around there along with the makeup stains and tissues, pins for that DIY moment and of course sweets a plenty because i eat far too much..however, beware when that lining starts ripping; its all fine and well finding your long lost necklace scurrying around.. but an old sticky sweetie.. EWWWW
SO again...Ive never really questioned what lies unearthed in peoples handbags.. Until a moment in London. The tube. Kensington. Approx 1.30pm. A slim Jim fellow. Japanese. Clutching onto his Vivienne Westwood man satchel..pondering over his nails, which my my good sir you keep manicured..He turned his white cuff up over his worn and torn jumper. Tweaked his glasses..smoothed the hair. Then he reached in ...this glorious Vivienne Westwood fine leather satchel, resting on his lap, all spanking new; What was he going to pull out - an ipod..a matching wallet..a notebook (hes just had an amazing though).
NUTS!! a cling filmed sack of nuts. I giggled..no one heard and im thinking no one looked because its london..which is why the guy obviously felt at ease to release his clingfilmed punnet of nuts into the tube as no one would question it at all.... EXCEPT ME!! He opened it carefully, pouring the nuts into his mouth..only to quickly wrap them up dive in again and produce ANOTHER bag of mixed nuts.
I have to say..hes nut storage was an inspiration. Maybe we can all go nuts and store away our food for winter in divine leather bags. No one would never know after all - because ' You shouldnt enter a womans handbag unless told to.
Word HU-Mans.. xxEDAJ